We receive a lot of questions from our visitors regarding the use of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) and the effectiveness of ingesting 60 grams of RSO cannabis oil during a 90 day course to treat their cancer.
This method has been pioneered by cancer survivor Rick Simpson who has widely distributed information regarding its use and success rates.
In 1974 Rick Simpson heard a radio report about a study that found marijuana reduced cancerous tumors in mice. Specifically, researchers at the University of Virginia had found that several chemicals in marijuana acted against both cancerous tissue taken from mice and on cancerous tissue in the mice.
The study: Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Vol. 55, No. 3, September 1975).
Rick Simpson passionately believes in the medicinal virtues of cannabis oil that he refers to as ‘hemp oil’. He grew his own plants and gave away RSO cannabis oil to those who required it until the police took his marijuana plants.
“I consider myself just one of many who have found a way to cure cancer and I do not claim that it was me who found the cure. Still, it does appear that I am the first to supply this medication to vast numbers of patients to treat their cancers and other conditions in a more effective and sensible way.”
Although cannabis oil has show some remarkable results when specifically used to treat cancerous tumors and the cannabinoids it contains have been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties when tested in the laboratory; the evidence for its effectiveness in humans is currently anecdotal.
Virtually all the scientific research investigating whether cannabinoids can treat cancer has been done using cancer cells grown in the lab or animal models.
There are many reported cases where patients have responded positively to the administration of RSO cannabis oil to treat cancer.
Some of these case histories are available to research here on this website. However, results can vary between individuals and differing cancers.
The first thing to address in a cancer context is that a patient survives 5 years with no indication of the cancer returning.
Through many detailed experiments, handily summarized in this recent article in the journal Nature Reviews Cancer, scientists have discovered that various cannabinoids (both natural and synthetic) have a wide range of effects in the lab, including:
Triggering cell death, through a mechanism called apoptosis
Stopping cells from dividing
Preventing new blood vessels from growing into tumors
Reducing the chances of cancer cells spreading through the body.
Speeding up a process known as autophagy – which can lead to cell death
All these effects are thought to be caused by cannabinoids locking onto the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. It also looks like cannabinoids can exert effects on cancer cells that don’t involve cannabinoid receptors, although it isn’t yet clear exactly how this mechanism works.
Lab experiments have shown promising results with THC on brain tumor and prostate cancer cells, while CBD seems to work well on breast cancer cells.
So far, the best results in the lab or animal models have come from using a combination of highly purified THC and cannabidiol (CBD), a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants that counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC.
Interestingly researchers have also found positive results using synthetic cannabinoids, such as a molecule called JWH-133.
With this in mind you would be best describing cannabis oil a part of a long term treatment plan as there is also much evidence to show a maintenance dose is required to keep the cancer under control for at least 5 years.
The maintenance dose is generally a match head sized drop under the tongue twice a day.
In experiments with mice, animals given very high doses of purified THC seemed to have a lower risk of developing cancer, and there has been some research suggesting that endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body) can suppress tumour growth.
Sativex marketed by G.W. Pharmaceuticals contains only THC and CBD extracted from cannabis plants and this failed an exhaustive cancer trial using human test subjects, however this comes as no surprise because they have isolated only 2 unique cannbinoids and ignored the symbiotic effect of the other 110 cannabinoids contained in oil made from the cannabis plants. Full spectrum cannabis oil is far more effective.
There has been encouraging evidence from research carried out by professor Manuel Guzman and his team from the university of Madrid.
Cannabinoids were administered to laboratory bred mice over a period of a several weeks and measurements were recorded regarding the anti-cancer action; both alone and alongside chemotherapy drugs.
Although this is an indication, these were non-spontaneous tumors grown sub-dermally on mice and the results do not as yet support a 90 day treatment for all cancers.
The 90 day cure claim can mislead people into misunderstanding how long they will require cannabis oil.
It is possible to source medical grade cannabis oil, however this will be a long term commitment as a lower maintenance dose will be required for at least 5 years after the initial treatment.
The sensible solution is to grow and produce your own medicine.
There is free information regarding all aspects of cannabis cultivation and oil available here on the website.
It is recommended that anyone wishing to use cannabis oil explores this possibility.
Initially many patients will source cannabis oil to begin treatment before cultivating cannabis plants and producing their own oil.
However, unless the cannabis oil comes from a reputable source they don’t actually know the cannabinoid content or how it has been produced.
The main concern is the percentage of cannabinoid content within the oil and this is governed by many factors, not least the strain of cannabis plant used.
Of concern is also whether the oil has been correctly purged and the solvents used in the extraction process. Rick Simpson advises using Naphtha; which ironically is one of the many hydrocarbons linked to cancer in humans.
Furthermore, there are other risks associated with using black market or home-made preparations of cannabis, particularly cannabis oil.
For example, there may be toxic chemicals left from the solvents used in the preparation process. There is also a risk that pesticides found in cannabis crops may be concentrated in these preparations.
There is recent research from California suggests high rates of such contaminants in samples from a range of different sources.
So is there any efficacy to this claim at all? As a guideline to a medical cure the answer is yes.
However, there is as yet not the evidence to make a claim regarding the recommended quantities of cannabis oil administered over this recommended amount of time.
But could this guideline be useful in a different context? Yes it can.
It takes 3-4 months to grow your own cannabis from seed to oil, meaning that if you wanted to start RSO cannabis oil treatment urgently, then you would need to sourcereputable oil for this time frame.
You can then use these weeks starting to grow your own cannabis plants.
By the time you finish your purchased RSO cannabis oil you would be ready to start making your own oil.
When you consider that cannabis oil treatment for cancer is initially expensive, growing your own crop becomes a viable option for your maintenance dose.
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