Why Does Fibromyalgia Cause Neck Pain?

Among all the medical conditions out there, fibromyalgia is definitely one of the most enigmatic and misunderstood ones. Frequently ignored completely and dismissed as not...

20 Products People With Fibromyalgia Swear By

Editor’s note: The following piece should not be taken as medical advice. Any medical information included is based on a personal experience. For questions or concerns regarding health, please...

Cannabis Oil Capsules May Be Best Treatment For Fibromyalgia

Treatment For Fibromyalgia Treatment For Fibromyalgia much like treatments for any and all disease., often starts with the management of symptoms. With this disorder, the...

A Brief List of Muscle Relaxants for Fibromyalgia

The main symptom of the condition called fibromyalgia is widespread musculoskeletal pain, according to fibromyalgia-symptoms.org. The pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons that...

A Note to Myself When Pain Wakes Me Up at 3...

It’s 3 a.m. Pain has awakened me and this is always when it is the worst for me. When I wake up in intense...

What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis, an Early Warning of Fibromyalgia?

Sinusitis, an Early Warning of Fibromyalgia? Sinusitis, also known as sinus infection, and fibromyalgia are much more closely related than you think. A 2003 study...

Fibromyalgia Now Considered as a Lifelong Central Nervous System Disorder

Fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic disorder behind osteoarthritis and, though still widely misunderstood, is now considered to be a lifelong central nervous...

Dangers Of This Chronic Pain Drug Can Kill Patients If Taken...

Fentanyl a pain relief drug can cause side effects similar to those of other opioid drugs, including heroin, OxyContin, or morphine. However, since fentanyl...

Acupuncture Fibromyalgia Relief Confirmed

Acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for the alleviation of fibromyalgia. Researchers at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department of Ataturk University conclude that...

How Reflexology can Help Fibromyalgia Sufferers

At times, we may try certain types of therapy for our fibromyalgia symptoms and realize that they are not working as well as they...