Intake Of This drug Leads To Anemia, Anxiety, Depression and Many...

Gastric acid can be a serious problem. People often tend to have gastric acid buildup and look for various treatments to help them. Doctors...

Next Story Study Finds That Big Pharma Completely Lied About Serotonin...

The title of this article might give you the impression that my aim is to frighten you. I assure you it is not. The realities of the...

Next Story Study Finds That Big Pharma Completely Lied About Serotonin...

The title of this article might give you the impression that my aim is to frighten you. I assure you it is not. The realities of the...

Researchers Find That Just One Puff of Cannabis Can Treat Depression

Researchers from Washington State University took a step closer to proving that cannabis could be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety. Just one puff...

To the Suicidal Mama Fighting to Stay Alive for Her Kids

Fellow Mama, I see you lying there in bed, trying to will yourself to get up. I know some part of you might wish you...

Big Pharma Frightened After New Study Shows Cannabis is a Highly...

Researchers at the Universidad de Cantabria focused on cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, finding that that CBD has fast-acting antidepressant effects that can...

Marijuana Edibles Provide Better Pain And Anxiety Relief Than Smoking

The answer to why some cannabis consumers prefer to eat their weed. For a growing number of cannabis consumers, eating the herb is better than...

My Anxiety Convinces Me That Everyone Hates Me

Because of my anxiety, I take everything personally. If a friend takes a little too long to answer a text, I start making assumptions.They don’t want...

Depression and Anxiety Disorders Damage Your Brain, Especially When Untreated

The second thing that has become clear from New Neuropsychiatry research is that psychiatric disorders are bad for your brain.  Study after study show that clinical depression and anxiety disorders-not to...

If You Experienced Emotional Abuse As A Child, You Probably Do...

  By Rahaf Khalil The way you are treated as a child can have lasting effects on you even in adulthood. This is why they say when...